Printing, Reproducing or Distributing Charts or Tables
Can I print, reproduce or distribute any charts or tables?
The charts, tables, videos, commentary and all other materials inside the HousingAlerts Members Area are for your personal use only. They are copyright protected and cannot be copied or redistributed in any manner, free or otherwise. (Obviously, it would be very unfair for anyone to redistribute the same material that members are paying to have.)
However, you can request a limited use waiver by emailing and providing specific details of your intended use. Please include a description of the exact material you want to use, the maximum number of visitors you expect to see it, the frequency and duration of your planned use and any other pertinent info.
For example, we have granted limited use waivers where members have wanted to post a single chart image in their business blog as an illustration that accompanied their own corresponding analysis. Other members have used single chart images to help in their affiliate marketing effort promoting of the HousingAlerts market timing system.
To view our copyright policy, please refer to this link: