Monthly Subscription Fee
Why is there a monthly subscription fee?
Your upfront investment works out to a couple dollars per market for the most accurate market cycle analysis system on the planet. Our closest competitor charges a one-time fee of $400 for **each** market, **each quarter**… and still doesn’t provide any actionable data or analysis. Other individual market reports (based on Fundamental Analysis only) cost $10,000 and more – per market… for ONE time period.
Our goal was to level the playing field for ALL real estate investors, big and small. Our pricing reflects that – not to mention the quality and accuracy of our system is second to none.
Real estate markets are ever changing. Without periodic updating of new information, your initial investment would become obsolete within a few months. provides its members with **ongoing** market cycle info and analysis for all 381 U.S. housing markets. The monthly subscription works out to about 25 **cents** per market each month.
Rather than require investors to pay a new upfront access fee each time, we provide 24/7/365 unlimited access – your monthly membership is guaranteed to never increase and includes the ongoing data uploads, new tools, commentary and analysis.
Knowing your local market cycle is THE single most important determinant of your success or failure; specific investing strategies and tactics take a distant back seat. HousingAlerts makes that critical decision quick and easy. Don’t confuse the ‘ease’ with which you can now answer those important questions with the “value” of getting it right (or the cost of getting it wrong). Just because it’s only 25 cents per month, per market – it’s the most important 25 cents you’ll ever invest.