Creating, Saving and Accessing a Saved Chart

Locating the Custom Charts & Tables tool

Housing Alerts Lite & PRO 
[ Joined After January 2018 ]

To find the Custom Charts and Tables, simply click on the Reports tab on the menu bar, and select Custom Charts and Tables from the drop-down list.

Custom Charts and Tables

Or, you can locate it in the Dashboard (PRO section).

Custom Charts and Tables

For the next step, to click the blue button, "Click here to access the tool the legacy version".

Custom Charts and Tables

You'll be redirected to the "Create Custom Charts & Tables" page.

Custom Charts and Tables

To create a chart, click the gray horizontal box, located below the map, "Add Markets Search & Direct Selection".

Custom Charts and Tables

Refer to the "Direct Selection" section to add zip codes or city markets. Simply remove the defaulted zip or city, and add the desired market, then click the "Add" button on the right side. The chart will automatically populate the desired markets.

Custom Charts and Tables

Scroll down to select the type of data and time period for the chart.

Custom Charts and Tables

Once you have created a chart, enter a new chart name in the "Saved Charts" section, as outlined in the image below, and then click the "Save" button to save the chart.

To access a saved chart, scroll down to the "Saved Charts" section. Click the name of your saved chart to open.

Custom Charts and Tables
Housing Alerts Legacy (Classic) 
[ Joined Before January 2018 ]

Log in to your HousingAlerts account, click the "Market Analyzer" tab, and then click the"Custom Analysis" icon.

Access Custom Analysis

You'll be redirected to the "Create Custom Charts & Tables" page.

Custom Analysis Details

Once you have created a chart, enter a new chart name in the "Saved Charts" section, as outlined in the image below, and then click the "Save" button to save the chart.

To access a saved chart, scroll down to the "Saved Charts" section. Click the name of your saved chart to open.

Custom Analysis Save

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